The Foundation aims to support projects that combat poverty and exclusion, the education of disadvantaged young people, access to first jobs and help for people in difficulty. It also has the ambition to support medical projects and the promotion of culture.
Charitable and Social
Charitable and social actions are intended to combat exclusion and extreme poverty and to respond to the emergencies of people in need.
Support for projects designed to promote equal opportunities for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and facilitate access to employment for young people and the long-term unemployed.
Activities in the medical field cover the right to and access to care as well as medical research leading to new therapies.
The Foundation’s projects are primarily located in Europe. It targets to choose the best players in the non-profit sector to provide reliable and controlled aid to beneficiaries in its various fields of action. It can also develop its own actions and work with NGOs or any other organization – recognized as being of public interest – on solidarity projects in line with its objectives.
Beneficiary organizations must exercise disinterested management and use management methods that optimize the use of funds received. All sponsorship must be the subject of an agreement. The objectives of the planned action must be clearly established and the use of the funds received must be precise. Beneficiaries will have a duty to inform the Foundation about their activities and will provide it with annual accounts and summary documents.
The projects receiving support are selected on the basis of their effectiveness and potential for sustainability, irrespective of their political, religious or social affiliation.
Friendship is a Bangladeshi NGO that aims to solve the problems of disadvantaged regions. Its work covers the fields of health, education, protection against natural disasters, civil rights, the development of economic activities and the fight against the effects of climate change. It also works in Rohingya refugee camps.
Our Foundation supports the operation of a hospital boat which travels to and treats the inhabitants of the isolated regions of northern Bangladesh.
La Manne provides support in the field of food aid, professional integration and grants one-off financial aid to enable beneficiaries to meet exceptional expenses. Our Foundation supports the association’s various activities.
This association builds low-rent housing that it rents to seniors, young people or families in financial difficulties. Collective spaces allow the creation of links between the residents and the inhabitants of the district. The salaried and voluntary care workers provide individual and collective support for the residents.
Our Foundation partially funds two new housing programs, the Maison d’Aspasie in Arcueil and the Jardin du Carmel in Douai.
Our Foundation supports these two projects to help women in difficulty. lt partially finances these two associations in their various multidisciplinary activities: emergency accommodation exclusively for women, assistance with access to housing, orientation towards health care, finding training and/or employment and psychological support.
AFEV is the first network in France of student educational mentoring which develops several activities. A mentoring program between a volunteer student and a young person from a disadvantaged background who is having difficulty in his educational career. Other young people in Civic Service organize activities in schools in priority areas. Students ensure the action of their district.
Our Foundation co-finances two mentoring projects in the Grand Est region and the Apprentis Volontaires project in Bethune aimed at young people without diplomas with a view to joining an apprenticeship path.
Break Poverty Foundation aims to fight against poverty by helping young people from underpriviledged backgrounds. By setting up the Territorial Action Funding (DAT) program, it wants to promote the commitment of companies, public authorities and associations to develop programs in their territory in favor of young people in difficulty. lts goal is to create branches throughout France. Our Foundation supports the DAT project in its national deployment.
ESA offers support by volunteers to students whose parents can neither help nor have them helped. The association supports children and adolescents in their schooling to open up to culture, as well as to gain self-confidence and develop their self-esteem. lt involves parents in better understanding their child’s school life. Our Foundation supports ESA in its development.
BRIO’s activity is to enable high school students from working class neighborhoods to envisage ambitious studies by supporting them through tutoring by students from Nantes’ Grandes Ecoles. Our Foundation supports the association to increase the number of students participating in this initiative.
In consultation with the HEC Foundation, our Foundation awards scholarships to state scholarship students during their studies at the School.
This association organizes mentorships between students and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. This relationship aims to help students during their last two years of schooling to develop their personal and social potential, to define their aptitudes and to broaden their prospects upon leaving school, whether by pursuing training in apprenticeship or a continuation of their studies. Our Foundation supports the development of the association.
ARC selects and finances research projects in the fight against cancer. Our Foundation funds two projects. A study which aims to evaluate new immunotherapies for cancer patients who are affected by Covid 19. The second study concerns the development of a new therapy to treat uterine cancer.
A palliative care hospice that provides care and compassion to the sick and their families in its surrounding community. Our Foundation finances a nurse who takes care of the most urgent cases.
Jean Peters, lifetime member, Chair
Hélène Peters, lifetime member, Vice-Chair
Diane Wolter, Secretary of the Board
Amélie Schmidt-Waché,
Sam Reckinger,
Manuel Baldauff,
Thomas Schmidt
The Foundation’s Board of Directors meets several times a year to :
The basic principles of the Foundation are
The principles of the Foundation exclude the remuneration of directors and the existence of any agreement between the Foundation and the directors. Any possible conflict of interest perceived by a director must be immediately shared with the Board of Directors.
If your organization meets our criteria and you are looking for financial support, we invite you to send us by mail a documentation of your organization and your project to: